Food: Seafood; Shrimp, Sushi, Lobster
Drink: Snapple Apple, Minute Maid Berry punch/Fruit punch
Snack: Orville’s Kettle Microwave Popcorn
Candy: Ferrero Rocher chocolate, Twix
Chips: Lays Cheddar Poppables
Cookies: Milanos
Flavor: Cherry, Green Apple, Red Velvet
Cake: Red Velvet
Ice cream: Toffee Bars, Smores,


Due to Anxiety/ADHD,
I am TERRIBLE at responding to dms, I do not conversate with random people I do not know very well. I AM ALSO LIKELY TO CUT CONVERSATIONS SHORT
[✘]Do Not Conversate n DMs
[✔] Important DMs/Trusted Friends Only

If you would like to grab my attention please instead of saying Hi, please follow up with a question/concern and I will try my best to follow up with you (example)